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Thank you for visiting my website!

I’m Sebastian Brightly and I started programming back in 2010, my primary focus was c++ and python. I’ve gained success in teaching myself and getting professional level certifications. I’m very passionate about Technology, and spend most of my time learning new concepts and exploring the finer details coded into my favorite programs.

I’m currently building out more of my Github account to better demonstrate my abilities, as I’ve mainly focused on complex proprietary code for my employers.

I am currently a Cloud Engineer at Cardinal Health, as part of the Infrastructure Security and Governance team. I was employed by Mckesson previously, as a System/Cloud Engineer, working on a small specialized team working with a team of developers to support client operations and dedicated applications. I was employed with an MSP named Nacspace, as a PC technician and promoted within a month to System Administrator. Working with company clients to configure, maintain and troubleshoot infrastructure needs.

Cardinal Health:

Firemon API ingestion program that pulls analytics of none compliant devices. Used to publish the report in a usable CSV file to track remediations and general firewall compliance. This program pulls across the entire organization Firemon infrastructure, using concurrent treads to speed up the processing from a couple days using the native GUI to a few hours.

I’ve inherited a Splunk Add-on coded to ingest Firemon logs to Splunk. Currently optimizing its operations to better handle limitations in character limits when porting the logs to Splunk.

I’m scripted out a GCP Function that tracks changes across our organization’s GCP projects, monitoring for the creation, modification and deletion of role permissions. Increasing visibility for our Senior System Administrators when unauthorized permissions are assigned to roles.


I scripted a powershell automation runbook in Azure that allowed custom powershell commands to pass directly to servers for execution and forward resulting logs to an analytics workspace. Give the nature of certain servers, this was the resolution to not being able to utilize Azure automation hybrid workers.

I collaborated with ISRM team to research and develop implementation of vulnerability remediations. I worked on remediation of zero-day vulnerability Log4j and enabling /disabling TLS protocols that did not meet company standard.

I developed automation scripts for the deployment of a Weblogic application, that was handled manually before my implementation.

Lead some disaster recovery exercises to verify and enhance our site recovery process. Participated in additional disaster recovery exercises and assisted in enhancing documentation.

